Friday 24 September 2021

Nifty Narratives

Over the last couple of weeks we have been working on writing narratives. We've been focusing on including an orientation, problem and outcome, as well as thinking about what our theme is. Check out some of our work so far!

Answered Prayer

 Be strong and courageous do not be afraid or troubled, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go ~Joshua 1:9 

 John is a hard working engineer in the Philippines. He was living before with his loving family, his parents and wife who then gave birth to their third child. His problem then was John didn’t have enough income, so every night he would pray for something good to happen.

 Then one day John’s friend came and spoke to him with great news! “John!” He called out, “I heard that there is a company in New Zealand who are hiring engineers!” John’s heart pounded. “Is this the answer to all my prayers?” He took his friends advise and applied for the job. 

  A few weeks passed and John’s plane was soon going to take off! Sadly, he had to say goodbye to his family and friends. They all wished him good luck. John had mixed feelings about leaving the country that he was born and raised in. He was excited, and worried. It was then time to take off! The plane started to rise higher and higher until it was above the clouds. “It’s beautiful!” John thought to himself.

  After long hours, the plane finally arrived in New Zealand! As John looked around, he could see fresh green leaves on trees, and smell the cool air. He was astonished with the clean environment and the friendly people. John was delighted to meet his new boss and teammates. They gave him a warm welcome.

  John needs to adjust his accent when having conversation with Kiwis. They are having a hard time understanding John with his Filipino accent, but as months pass, John learned how to speak English similar to Kiwi accent.

  Sometimes John feels lonely whenever he misses his family, especially his kids, but his day lightens up whenever his family and kids calls him.

  Years have passed and John was now successful with his career. He is now the manager of the company that hired him back in the Philippines. He now has wonderful friends that he considers his second family. Most wonderful of all, John saved enough money to bring his whole family here in New Zealand. Indeed, New Zealand was the answer to his prayers.

 By: Katherine

A Journey To Aotearoa

 It was August 1768. Captain Snook and his wife Mirajane were sailing the vast blue sea’s with hope of finding a new island that they could call home. For years and years they have looked for land, but no matter where they went. Nowhere felt like home.

Mirajane and Captain Snook had been on sea for 2 years. They found many islands, but none of them felt right, it wasn't what they were searching for. But one day, things took an unexpected turn. Marijane and Captain Snook’s boat had been damaged due to a rough landing during the night. Due to their ship being damaged it started leaking and eventually their boat began to sink.

Captain Snook quickly got the emergency boat and he and Mirajane paddled to the nearest island. They had just entered the South Pacific Oceans and the first island they saw was an island that the natives called Aoeteroa. They welcomed them, fed them and gave them places to stay. It was wonderful. They didn’t want to leave.

Aoeteroa was a very spacious island. It was covered with greenery, and was very healthy. There was not even one wasteland on the island. Everything was natural and provided from earth. The village Whare’s were made out of timber, rushes, tree ferns and bark, with a thatched roof and earth floors. It was very nice and spacious and comfortable, there was even an active volcano in the distance. It’s stone was black and had dried up lava around. The locals said that it erupted on an average every 20 - 25 years.

5 months had passed since making it to Aoeteroa and they were now considered natives. The Maori ( who were the natives ) people offered to help Mirajane and Captain Snook build a new boat. It was made from fine wood and was big enough to fit 10 people. It took months to build but it was worth it. With the help of the natives things went smoothly. 

Finally it was time to leave. Captain Snook and Mirajane were quite sad that their journey had to end there, but they kept their heads high and continued to travel the world. Aoeteroa was a lovely place to live, but it still didn’t feel like home. And so their journey continued!

By Ruqayat

Day In The Clouds

In a land where magic lives there is a girl named Maria. Maria is a shy person so that means she doesn't go out that much. When she does go out she goes to her secret place in the clouds. Not a lot of people go there because they have nothing to do there but for Maria it is a place full of imagination and to relax. 

One day the normal white clouds all turned purple and pinkish. “ What happened to the clouds?” said a villager. The villagers walked up the path to the clouds and found… nothing. When they looped around to go back a glass wall was blocking them.”Let us out!” the villagers shouted and cried. “Why did you trap us here?” someone said. 

Just then the evil witch appeared.”Hahahahaha, looks like you need help?’ said the Witch. “Well you all are going to be trapped there forever.” Maria wasn’t trapped though because she did come because was too scared to go with other people. ”Now I will take all the magic for myself, hahahahaha.” Said the Witch. “What am I going to do?” Maria said to herself. 

“I know I will teleportal ray.” said Maria I will also get the shrink ray so I can shrink the witch and put her in the glass dome. Meanwhile in the clouds the villagers all got on one side and pushed the glass wall. “It’s working,” said the villager.” Keep it up”. The glass fell and hit the witch on the head. When Maria heard the sounds she went outside with the shrink ray and srinked the witch.

The villagers cheered.” YAAY!!! Woohoo hip hip hooray!!” The villagers put the mini witch in a glass dome and put her in the town square collection shop. As for the clouds it was a sight to see.

By Neha

Have you ever travelled in a plane or by boat before? Let us know in the comments!

Friday 17 September 2021

Activities from Kiwican to keep you entertained this weekend (or next week!)


Ngā mihi nui Kiwican, thank you so much for these activities.

Which one was your favourite? Let us know in the comments!

Friday 10 September 2021

Superb Sea Vessels

 Our new topic this week is navigation and innovation - we're exploring how people find their way around, and how this has changed over time. One project some of us completed was to design or make our own sea vessel. Check out our work below!

If you could sail anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? Let us know in the comments!

Thursday 2 September 2021

A Message from Kiwican

Leave your replies to Gabe in the comments!