Wednesday 28 October 2020

Moody Poems

 This term a big focus for us is creating mood and atmosphere in our writing. One way we can do this is through the words that we choose, so we have been learning about the connotations of words (how different words make us feel or what they make us think of). 

We have been calling these purr words (words that have a positive connotation) and snarl words (words that have a negative connotation). Today we also learned about euphony (soft, pleasant sounds) and cacophony (harsh, unpleasant sounds). Our task was to write a 5 line poem using words that would create a strong mood or atmosphere. 

Here are some of our poems so far! You can scroll through the Slides to read them.

Which poem is your favourite, and why? Let us know in the comments.

Friday 23 October 2020

Awesome Algebra

On top of their other maths work this week, a group of students in Room 11 decided to explore what they thought was going to be a very tricky mathematical concept - algebra!! At first the combinations of letters and numbers looked like a confusing code, and it seemed bamboozling to work out what the letters represented. 

After starting to think about the equals (=) sign as "the same as" it became clear that all they had to do was work out the answer to problem on the left and then balance it out to have the same answer on the right. 

What is your favourite type of maths to do? Is it algebra? Statistics? Measurement? Let us know in the comments!