Friday 23 October 2020

Awesome Algebra

On top of their other maths work this week, a group of students in Room 11 decided to explore what they thought was going to be a very tricky mathematical concept - algebra!! At first the combinations of letters and numbers looked like a confusing code, and it seemed bamboozling to work out what the letters represented. 

After starting to think about the equals (=) sign as "the same as" it became clear that all they had to do was work out the answer to problem on the left and then balance it out to have the same answer on the right. 

What is your favourite type of maths to do? Is it algebra? Statistics? Measurement? Let us know in the comments!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Roya I like how you worked your maths problem out maybe if you come and visit our school in the north maybe you could teach me how to do some maths.keep up the hard work. From Karere From Ahipara school.

  3. Hi Roya I like how you worked your maths problem out maybe if you come and visit our school in the north maybe you could teach me how to do some maths.keep up the hard work. From Tahu From Ahipara school.

  4. Hi Roya I really like how you talked about the maths but maybe next time you can add another picture in. By Harmony.

  5. hi my name is summer I like when you work so hard I will like
    to see more from you by

  6. Hi Roya I like how you worked your maths problem out maybe if you come and visit our school in the north maybe you could teach me how to do some maths.keep up the hard work. From Roman From Ahipara school.

  7. Hello there it's Tahlia from paroa school it look like you have been having fun doing your maths keep it up kia pai

  8. Hi Roya theses are some really intersting ways how you worked out your maths answers maybe next time you could tell us your favourite thing you done in maths great job
    by Amotai

  9. Hi Roya, its Latoya from Ahipara school. I really enjoyed looking at all your different equations that you had done for ¨Math´s¨, its very interesting. One thing I find funny and hard is that I have no idea what you writen on the white board. (I was clueless) Although its FANTASTIC!.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Kia ora Roya, its Ruqayat. I think that these are some interesting ways to solve algebra. I know about 60% of how to solve algebra problems so this really helps. One question. How did you learn algebra?

  12. hi this is joshua I really like your work keep it up

  13. Hello room 11 its me aisha
    i love how you tried to think what the answers were
    thank you for putting good effort on your work today room 11
    next time you should put intresting storys on your blog

  14. Hi Roya I like maths on algebra maybe you can teach me with algebra.I like what you have learned with your maths. Next time can you tell us what your favourite maths was.

  15. Kai Ora Roya its Roman from ahipara school
    I really enjoyed how you tried to think what the answers were
    for putting good effort on your work today Roya
    next time you should put interesting story's on your blog

  16. I like the top one because it goes 15 - 5 = 10 and 15 - 5 = 2 x b and b = 5 so its 2 x 5 = 10 and 15 - 5 = 10 I personally think
