Wednesday 26 May 2021

Term 2 School Trips!

Wow, Room 9 sure has had a lot of adventures over the last couple of weeks! Here is a collection of photos to share what we have been up to. A special thank you to KPMG for being our awesome helpers at camp and Kelly Tarltons! What is your favourite activity to do at school camp? Let us know in the comments!

Monday 17 May 2021

More Descriptive Writing

 Last week we continued to work on our descriptive writing with this photo as our prompt: 

We were working on using present tense (writing as if it is happening right now) and descriptive language. Below are some of our efforts. Which one is your favourite and why? Let us know in the comments!


The snow under my shoes is super thick. It's kind of hard to walk but it was fine. The view is amazing.

I could see huge mountains and lumps of ice. The ice is really slippery. I need to watch out so I don't fall over.

I can hear and feel the icy cold wind. It’s so cold out here that my cheeks looked like they were slapped red. The sky is a beautiful blue colour today.




My toes feel really numb. I can’t feel them. We are marching up the mountains.As we are walking we can see pieces of ice starting to break, we are scared. Some are so soft that I feel like I was about to sink. I look up and see mountains made out of what look like hard dirt. I can’t feel anything because my hands feel weakened . I pinch myself really hard to see if I feel it, but as I do it feels like the numbness surrounding my body has suddenly broken like a shell but quickly covers me up again.

I stomp on one of the ice and I sink down and  my foot gets wet. I am  stuck. I try so hard to pull my leg out but I can't. I shout so loud that people beside me hear. They quickly rush over and hold both of my hands and pull me out. “Thank you” I say and we carry on snow hiking. It is a really long hike. 

I zoom into the snowy ground and it is  really dirty. I look up and see seagulls flying overhead with chilliness. Finally I arrive at my destination safely.  


The wind flies in my face the journey starts,the snow is cold as ice and the mountains are like giants ahead, the warmness is going away and it feels cold and chilly, the mountains are singing in the daylight and the snow is soft as a cushion, My head feels at ease, we start the quiet walk up, never have I ever felt so worried in my life.

My hands and toes are numb as in I cant feel it at all,  we are marching up the big large mountains, in the corner of my eye the ice starts to break but it is ok, The journey lasts for hours it starts getting cold and the snow is colder and colder, as I am walking on the ice the ice breaks and my foot is stuck in the cold icy water but i get it out and my foot is cold as winter.

I get a closer look into the snow and there are sticks and stones hiding within the snow, but I am walking and I feel snow falling on my head as then I look up and there is nothing but a big cliff under me then I run to safety.





Friday 7 May 2021

Anzac Day Descriptive Writing

 This week we have been working on descriptive writing. To do this well we needed to write in present tense, think about our senses, use figurative language and weave in a complex idea. A fantastic example of all of these is Luisapeta's writing about a poppy field:

Red poppies blowing through the air with their green stems. The sun getting ready to go to sleep. The smell of nectar in the air bright red poppies their petals so soft, feels like a soft touch from my father going out to war.

I can hear the wind blowing pushing the poppies side to side. In my imagination I can hear sobbing of people’s family’s finding out one of their family members died or mia (missing in action). The sound of sad music playing at their funerals.

Another wonderful example is Poppies by Ruqayat: