Wednesday 10 June 2020

Mahara's Song

In Room 11 we have been working on songwriting, and along the way we have discovered some handy online music tools. In this video, Mahara demonstrates how you can use a virtual piano on your Chromebook. 

Let us know in the comments below - can you play an instrument?


  1. Hi Mahara/Roya! My name's Miro H. from Paroa school. I love your video! It's cool how you can play he piano on your Chromebook! Can you play the actual piano?
    I can play the cello, and kind of the piano. I also play the ukulele. Can you play any other intstaments?

    1. Hi Miro It Mahara replying back to your comment yes I can play other instruments like ukulele and guitar i'm very proud I can play instruments
      and i'm happy you can play some of the piano and ukulele good on you.

  2. yes i can and there is a ap that i somtimes use and its calld dj you or somthing its relly cool

    1. Hi Luke,Its Mahara replying back to your comment I should really try out that app sometime anyways, id like to know what instrument you play?

  3. hi my name is Carlos from paroa school.
    I can play the drums.

    From Carlos

    1. Hi Carlos, It Mahara I also like to play drums but I was never good at it maybe you can teach me someday. Do you know how to do any cool tricks with the drum sticks?

  4. Hi Mahara, Its Clara from Paroa school! I love the song you created on your chrombeook! I like how you seem like you put a lot of effort and time into this. I play a few instruments and once played the piano but not anymore. Maybe next time you could improve by adding a caption explaining how you came up with this amazing song.

    1. Hi Clara, Its Mahara I love how you use to know how to play piano, When I was playing with the keys I had just realized that I had just made a song so I did it how I liked it and it came out amazing. My teacher Roya made me perform it in front of my class it was a bit scary but I had to past my fear.

  5. Hi my name is Curtis I go to paroa school. That is pretty impressive that you can play a piano on a chromebook. I bet that took awhile to learn and practisewhich means you must love piano.

    1. Hi Curtis, Its Mahara and yes I did take a while just to do the song infact I actually took 2 days just to finish the song, And yes I do love piano I wonder what instrument you play?

  6. hi im from ahipara my name is daz and i really like this just to let you know theres a theme for music it gives you piano and guitar sounds

    1. Hi Daz, It Mahara I love how you love my song its really confusing how I said that but I think you will get it. What instrument do you play?

  7. Hi my name is Taj the one thing that I think that you should of dune is that you should of dun some singy and I must of took long to get the gist of it and I wolud of ben long to get the the butins rite.

    1. Hi Taj, Its Mahara Yes I should have done some singing in it aswell but I could pass my fear level yet may next time i could, I wonder what instrument you play?

  8. hi my name is Emily from paora school i love how you can play that on your chorme book i wish i could do that can you play another instruments?

    1. Hi Emily, It Mahara Yes I can play other instruments but piano is my favourite,The other instruments I play is gutiar,Ukulele and use to
      and use to play drum, I wonder what instrument you play?

  9. Kia Ora mahara I love how you can play the piano on your chrome book and your song was really talented.Also do you know how play any other instruments?

    1. Also I can play the piano.

    2. Hi Cyris, Its Mahara Yes I can play other instruments infact I play Gutiar , Ukelele and use to play drums but im not so good at it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Dayton, Its Mahara Yes I use to be able to play drums but I wasn't any good at it, I hear you say you do not play any instruments well you can teach your self that's how I learnt all you gotta do is play with the keys and put your favorite keys all to gather and boom it makes music it doesn't need to be perfect it just needs to make noise. <3

  11. Kia ora mahara i really like how you can play piano on your chromebook your piano song was very good. also do you know how to play the drums it would be cool if you do k byeeeeeeeeeeeee

  12. kia ora mahara im kavelle from ahipara school in the far north of nz i like how you created your own song you could be a music producer or the beat maker like a dj

  13. Kia Ora Mahara I like how you can play the piano on your chromebook, and you´re really talented. Also do you know how to play any other instruments on your chromebook? Good work. Dayton from Ahipara school.

  14. Hi Mahara that music is amazing it is like something I have never heard before good job keep up the amazing music.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. HI Mahara I like how you can play music on your chrome book it is very cool keep up your hard work up.

  17. Hi Mahara that music was so good it blew my mind because you had good effects. Keep up the good work. Harmony from Ahipara school

  18. hi guys its me dylan :)

  19. Kia Ora Mahara I like how you can play the piano on your chromebook, and you´re really talented. Also do you know how to play any other instruments on your chromebook? Good work. Dayton from Ahipara school.

  20. Kia ora Mahara it´s really interesting because you can play piano on your chrome book and do you know how to play drums or guitar because I do and i´m not bad at piano. Keep up the good work.

  21. Hi im Dion fro paroa school I really think you are talented but maybe if your that good on computer you should try real piano.

  22. Kia Ora Mahara I like how you can play the piano on your chromebook, and you´re really talented. Also do you know how to play any other instruments on your chromebook? Good work. Dayton from Ahipara school.

  23. Hi Mahara, Its Clara from Paroa school! I love the song you created on your chrombeook! I like how you seem like you put a lot of effort and time into this. I play a few instruments and once played the piano but not anymore. Maybe next time you could improve by adding a caption explaining how you came up with this amazing song.

  24. Wow very nice Mahara, it is Sadia from room 1, I am Ruqas sister

  25. Hi Mahara, Its Ryan from Ahipara school! I love the song you created on your chrombeook! I like how you seem like you put a lot of effort and time into this. I play a few instruments and once played the piano but not anymore. Maybe next time you could improve by adding a caption explaining how you came up with this amazing song.

  26. Hi room 11 and mahara this is Tiannah and Jasmine and we will like to say a few words to you we would really love you to show us how to play a piano I know how to play but like don't really know how to play.
    have a good day room-11
